home OAKRIFF – Comedy and Drama



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Welcome to the Comedy section of OAKRIFF

Comedy is the preferred choice for most amateur groups when planning their next production. Audiences like to go out and have good laugh, especially in these austere times of recession. And of course, groups find comedy easier and more fun to put on. That is what I will trying to provide in this section, fun plays everyone can enjoy. As I expand my catalogue I hope you will find the play for your group, and your audience.

There won’t be just plays. I know you will be expected to, and want to, put on other things. So there will be:
A Miscellany of comedy entertainments, sketches, monologues, things like that. miscellany
Pantomimes. We really had to include this quintessentially British tradition. pantomime pantomime
New comedies and farces, both full length and one act. new new

New full length plays here are either comedies or farces. Their running times I try to keep between 1½ to 2 hours. The scripts are in A5 format and wire bound, A5 because they are small enough to be held comfortably. They are wire bound so that you don’t have to bend stiff covers back as you’re stood on stage trying to find your next line. Scripts for plays will cost you £7.50 each (including p&p). A licence to perform a play is charged at £30.00 per performance. There is a reminder of the costs with each play should you want to produce it.
Alternatively you can download the plays (excluding 'The Old Rust Bucket') to your Kindlekindle kindle ,or Kindle APP on your mobile device. You do still need to come to us for a licence to perform and that will £30 per performance as usual.

At the moment I have three comedies/farces and one pantomime to offer. Follow the “New” or “Pantomime” oak leaves for details of them. More comedies and farces are in the final stages of preparation and will be here soon.

Being new, OAKRIFF can only supply scripts to UK groups at present. I would dearly love to share them with you in your country and this is my aim for the future. So do call back to see what is happening.

If you want to know more about OAKRIFF in general go to About Us, or If you want to know more about the Comedy catalogue in particular then e-mail me at john@oakriff.com.

You can also stay up to date by following what we've had to say on Twitter.twitter tweets

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